Founded under the concept of a boutique office, Beltrão Advocacia & Consultoria is headquartered in Brasília and has a branch in São Paulo, serving throughout the country, through the development of personalized legal solutions, whose main objective is to obtain results and exceed the expectations of the customers, who are represented with extreme dedication and attention to detail.
Currently, Beltrão Advocacia & Consulting goes through restructuring that includes, among other novelties, the re-creation of your brand.
Big dreams drive Beltrão Advocacia& Consultoria success because it is believed that great things happen when you dare to challenge the status quo when you project ambitious goals.
Integrity, meritocracy, intellectual discipline, and knowledge sharing are encouraged in the team, to empower all people for personal growth, aiming to win together.
Open and honest relationships are maintained with the Beltrão Advocacia & Consultoria clients, to build and perpetuate bonds of trust.
Beltrão Advocacia & Consultoria are the legal microsystems of bidding and administrative contracts, sanctioning administrative law, the Federal Court of Accounts, public civil inquiries, actions of administrative improbity, and intellectual property. The client portfolio includes companies with outstanding performance in the national and international scenario, especially in the information technology and health care service provision segments.