There are over 2 billion WhatsApp users in 180 countries. However, what many people don’t know is that the app is rarely used in the country where it was created—the United States.

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, less than 20% of smartphone users in the U.S. use the platform. Meanwhile, in Brazil, 99% of smartphones have the app installed, according to the Panorama Mobile Time/Opinion Box survey.

There are several reasons why Americans don’t use WhatsApp. One of the main reasons is the culture of SMS.

A large portion of the U.S. population has mobile phone plans that include free SMS, so they are already accustomed to a tool available on all phones.

Another significant factor is the popularity of other messaging apps, such as Messenger, which is also owned by Facebook.

In 2021, 87% of Americans used Messenger, 34% used FaceTime, 34% used Zoom, and 28% used Snapchat, while WhatsApp was used by only 25%.

Among the most popular messaging apps in the United States is also Apple’s own app: iMessage.

This tool is present on iOS devices, which are used by 50% of mobile consumers in the country.

Source: Olhar Digital