Lineu Francisco: Know the success trajectory

Lineu Francisco de Oliveira

Lineu Francisco de Oliveira is an economist with a postgraduate degree in business economics, information systems and an MBA in service marketing and a master’s degree in administration from the Universidade Pública de São Caetano and a doctorate at PUC-SP.

At the beginning of his career, despite his young age, he was emancipated and assumed entrepreneurial responsibilities, coordinated strategic projects, created and discovered new places to expand the group. At the beginning of the internet, he implemented an innovative project: “Escola 24 horas”. For his innovation, he was interviewed in the report “@ula particular” by Exame Informática magazine.

He built an NGO that bears the name of his daughter (in memoriam) Lar Suzanne, being the financial director until the organization was consolidated. He also built the Base Comunitária de Segurança with the military police, both in the neighborhood where he lives. He is a lecturer and University professor of Economics, Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship, Information Systems, and Project Management. He is a lecturer and university professor of economics, social and environmental entrepreneurship, information systems, and project management.
A public tender for Empresa de Tecnologia do Município de São Paulo he was the creator of several public IT systems for the city of São Paulo, such as Merenda Escolar, Leve leite, Código de Vigilância Sanitária, Sistema de Gestão da Cidade, Cadastro de ONGs, among others, and for its development he was awarded at the Brazilian Software Pavilion at COMDEX Fall ‘97 in Las Vegas as well as at the Congresso Nacional de Informática Pública.
It presented a budget consolidation methodology that made it possible to apply the Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal in the capital of São Paulo. Managed the system of monitoring cameras of the metropolitan civil guard, which aroused interest in the region of Rua 25 de Março in São Paulo, resulting in the basic academic work for his book Mascates e Sacoleiros, the cover of the ESTADÃO newspaper on March 25, 2010.

In March 2014 he was one of the guests of the Jô Soares program on Rede Globo, to tell curiosities about Rua 25 de Março. Also in 2014, he received a commendation from the Associação Brasileira de Liderança, as a professional of the year, and economics, and in 2015 he received the Top of Business Trophy and the Development Incentive Medal.
It follows the teachings of its parents, claiming their rights less and exercising their obligations more, and seeks to use knowledge and power to help others by taking the letter S from the word CRISE (crisis) and transforming it into the word CRIE (creat).

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